04 9월, 2015

[Facial Contouring] Cheek Augmentation Surgery

Cheek Augmentation Surgery/Korean Plastic Surgery/Korean Cosmetic Surgery/FFS/Facial Feminization Surgery/Anterior Malar Augmentation/Plastic Surgery/Cosmetic Surgery/ITEM Plastic Surgery/

[Facial Contoruing]
Cheek Augmentation Surgery Procedure
-Anterior Malar Augmentation-

Hello, Today, We will introduce about cheek augmentation surgery which is known as anterior malar augmentation surgery. Some of patietns have often expressed a concern regarding depressed or less voluminous area around the cheeks, which often causes an apeearance and impression of being tired or aged. ITEM Plastic Surgery truly understand their frustration and concern about this.

The location for insertion of implant can be accordingly determined by accurate diagnosis.

Anterior malar augmentation is conducted through incision made which will be existed inside the mouth. When it comes to types of implant materials, Gore-tex or Silicon is used most frequently as implant material. The surgeon will insert the impalnt and avoid touching the nerves after having exfoliated the anterior cheekbone area through incision inside the mouth prior to suturing the incision with dissolving stitches.

We recommend having a face to face diagnosis with a qualified plastic surgeon at ITEM.


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