28 1월, 2016

[Planning For Plastic Surgery] Precautions before having a Eye Surgery

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[Planning For Plastic Surgery]


Prior to having a eye surgery, there are several precautions to lead your surgery more successful. Then, what should be prepared before having a eye surgery?

Patients who are planning for eye surgery, they have to refrain from taking medicine especially the types of aspirins and supplements at least a week ago from the surgery procedure.
*NOTED!) Hypertension Controller Pill, Anemia Pill and Diabetes Pill should be taken in the morning before having a surgery.

You had better wear comfort and casual clothes. And please bring sunglasses and a hat if you want to cover your surgical site. Please do not wear any accessories such as necklace, ring and bracelet. The mask will be provided at clinic.
*NOTED!) Nail polish should be removed before the surgery.

Smoking and drinking will not be allowed not only before the surgery but also after the surgery for your healing process.

Without accompanying with guardians, the driving will not be allowed for your safety since your eye sight will be disturbed just after the surgery procedure.


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