23 2월, 2017

[Eyelid Surgery] Ptosis correction (for sleepy eyes)

It is recommended to those who have a weak or defective levator muscle, raising the eyelid, therefore having difficulty in opening eyes widely without moving brows or forehead muscles.

Ptosis can be corrected by tightening the levator muscle.
The surgery is performed concurrently with full or partial incision double eyelid surgery.

If you undergo only double eyelid surgery without ptosis correction even you have symptoms of blepharoptosis, you could get uneven double eyelids or thick creases. Furthermore, eyes might look smaller than before surgery.

Some of anatomic factors may limit the surgical process, therefore the expectations and goals of the surgery must be discussed prior to surgery.

Contact us for more information.
  Kakao) itempseng
  Line) itempseng
  MOBILE) +82-010-8901-9656

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