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[Beauty Tips]
Let's make an organic cosmetic pack!
Recently, the number of people who wants to use environmental friendly cosmetic product has been significantly increased. For them, I will tell you how to make them for your rejuvenated skin condition.
(1) Milk Cleansing
Why don't you use milk as your cosmetic for removing the dead skin cells? Milk cleansing can improve your skin condition by rejuvenating collagen cells. Firstly, soak the cotton pad in to the milk. And apply the milk-soaked cotton pad on your face.
(2) Organic Tomato Pack
Having tomato is not only good for taking nourishment but also making the best use of organic cosmetic pack for balanced skin condition.
Here is the tip for making an organic tomato pack! :)
-Grind the one tomato with one table spoon of milk and two table spoon of flour.
-Putting a cotton on your face and then applying a tomato pack.
(3) Organic Potato Pack
When you get a sun burn from sun light, applying potato pack will be great help for calm skin down. Applying a potato pack is effective for regular skin tone with whitening effect.
- Grind an one potato and mix with three table spoon of milk with four-five table spoon of flour.
- After washing your face, and then apply the potato pack which is just made on all around the face except for eye area.
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