07 3월, 2017

[Body Contouring] Misconceptions about Breast Augmentation


Those who have considered getting breast augmentation probably have heard about risks or misconceptions about breast augmentation.

In recent years, the number of case for consultation and surgery for body contouring has increased a lot. And, in fact, it is no more difficult to find people who have undergone breast augmentation.

On internet such as blogs or forums, the platforms where people share information about plastic surgery, you can find negative opinions or concerns about breast augmentation due to its risks or side effects. And, a lot of times, they make some of the misconceptions to be considered as fact and affect people making a decision for it.

Here are some misconceptions or questions regarding breast augmentation.

◆ Will I be able to breastfeed after breast augmentation?
YES. The methods of surgery vary depending on one's conditions, but they, all in common, are performed as not to damage the mammary glands. Therefore, breastfeeding will not be affected by breast augmentation.

◆ Does it require regular revision surgery?
Most of patients are concerned about the possibility of being in need of revision surgery. Some assert that the patients will need to change breast implants regularly. However, this is not true. Revision surgery of breast augmentation is rarely performed. If it is, then it would be mostly because patients desire to change the size of the implants or they experience side effects such as capsular contracture or asymmetric shapes of the breasts. Besides the case where patients want to change the size of the implants due to their personal preferences, these side effects can be managed by post-operative care and prevented with an exact diagnosis by a doctor who is specialized in breast augmentation.

◆ Is there any correlation between breast augmentation and breast cancer?
Many studies have proven over years and years that there is no relation between breast cancer and breast augmentation. Because the site where an implant is inserted is underneath mammary gland tissues, it does not even affect the procedure of breast cancer screening and tests.

◆ "I am afraid of getting capsular contracture."
Capsular contracture is one of the side effects that those considering or undergoing breast augmentation are most concerned about.
It refers to the case when body defense mechanism towards a foreign material (an implant for breast augmentation) is initiated as fibrosis cells surround the implant by forming thick membranes. In order to prevent this, it is important to perform surgery as using a rough-textured implant, inserting an implant underneath the pectoralis major (main muscle situated at the chest area) and using an endoscope to check the surgical sites as ensuring internal bleeding will not occur.

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia, and it is a major surgery that will change the volume of breasts and body contour of females.
Although it brings out satisfying results, one should carefully consider the types of implants and methods of surgery.
Therefore, one should not be rushed on making a decision based on unproven information. It is highly advised to consult with a doctor who is specialized and well-experienced in breast augmentation in order to find and choose the most suitable methods of your own case.

Contact us for more information.
  E-mail) itemps@itemclinic.com
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