31 7월, 2015

[Facial Contouring] Chin Advancement Surgery

[Facial Contouring] Chin Advancement

Chin Advancement Surgery
1)Osteotomy for chin Advancement
2)Silicone Implant

Hello, Readers! Today, I want to introduce about chin augmentation surgery. Recently, the number of patients who have gone through chin augmentation significantly increased. Short chin refers to the situation in which the lower portion of the face appears to be absent because the lower jaw is situated too far back or the chin of the tip is too small. To improve short chin, there are several types of surgery procedures such as osteotomy or silicone implant. From this below, I suggest you a self-diagnosis.

# Diagnosis of short chin
  - The lower part of the jaw is too short and small.
  - When the lips are clsoed, the tip of the chin looks strined and undulated.
  - The chin line is not clear and chin appears to be absent.
  - Although the person appears to be gentle, it appears to be protruded and the pesron  looks feeblish.
(1)Osteotomy for chin advancement
This is a method of fixating the tip of the chin that is sunken backwards after having moved it forward in overall by cutting the tip of the chin horizontally.Since the bone at the tip of the chin is moved, the chin line becomes more beautiful and has the advantage of relieving the tension of the muscles at the tip of the chin. Surgery is carried out under general anesthesia and takes approximately 40-50 minutes.
*Patients will be in need of body check-up and blood test to verify possiblity of general anesthesia.

(2)Silicone implant for chin advancement
If patient's case is not so severe, then it would be corrected by inserting a silicone. This surgery procedure can enlarge the size and change the location of the chin. It will be operated under sleeping-anesthesiia. The incision will be done around the lower side of the gum. And then, a delicate dissection will be performed. Dissolving suture thread will be remained around insertion site. As time goes by, it will be gradually disaapeared and absorbed.

Surgical procedure can be determined by exact diagnosis. After having a face to face consultation with ITEM surgeon, Dr.Kim. You can make a decision for your surgery procedure.