23 7월, 2015

[Eye Surgery] Double Eyelid Surgery

[Eye Surgery]
Double Eyelid Surgery
-Different surgery types of double eyelid-

Eyes without double eyelid is the normal characteric of oriental people. In contrast to western people, they have more sharp pointy image due to their  without double eyelid. Thesedays, double eyelid surgery is very common surgery to make eyes more bigger and vivid. Usually, surgery procedure is quite more simple than other types of surgery. Thatswhy, recently, peope who underwent double eyelid surgery are significantly has increased. In case of double eyelid surgery, there are several different types of surgery procedure, for example, non-incision method, partial-incision method, full-incision method. The surgery procedure can be decided by patient's exact diagnosis not by their preference. Today, I will explain about diffrent types of surgery procedure exactly to make you understand clear.


Non-incision method is more suitable for people who have thin skin and do not have much of fat tissue or saggy skin. It takes about 15-20minutes for the surgery and patients do not experience pain since sleep-induced anesthesia is performed at the time of local anesthesia. You can perform your narmal daily life activities within 2-3days after the surgery with the advantage that there is almost no scar left. ITEM Clinic performs surgery in non-incision method and dratically improved the problem of loosening of the double eyelid line after the surgery.


Partial-incision method is suitable for people who have little amount of saggy,droopy skin. Excessive skin can be removed by partial-incision method if the matter of degree is not so serious. This is similar with buried suture method(non-incision method), the difference between non-incision method and partial-incision method is that it it applied to the patients with some possibility of loosening of the double eyelid line after the surgery. It can minimizes the scar from incision through stronger fixation at the time of surgery, as well as supplements the disadvantages of buried suture method. Since the size of incision is slightly larger than the buried suture method, scar may be slightly more visible than the buried suture method. However, it could be an excellent choice for the patients who do not want complete incision method. (*Stitches around surgical site can be removed 3days later.)


The most biggest advantages of full-incision method is the lowest possibility of loosening and after swelling and brusing are disappeard. And then, patients can have clear and defined double eyeline as they desired. If the excessive of skin and fat tissue stray from the right path, double eyelid surgery should be operated by full-incision method. Excessive skin,muscle and fat tissue have to be removed to make clear and defined eyeline. Meticulous suture method that is akin to the scar removal surgery following incision double eyelid line surgery can ensure that scar would almost not be a problem. 7days later after the surgery, the stitches around surgical site can be removed. For the record, if the patient is in need of ptosis correction surgery, it should be accompained with double eyelid surgery by full-incision method.


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