29 7월, 2015

[Eye Surgery]Medial Epicanthoplasty Surgery

[Eye Surgery]
Medial Epicanthoplasty Surgery

<The example image of medial epicanthoplasty surgery>

Medial epicanthoplasty is a surgical procedure that remove the epicanthal fold which in known as Mongolian fold, covering the inner corner of the eye. This procedure can make eyes look more bigger and more attractive without leaving visible scars.

If the inner corner of the eye part is covered with Mongolian fold, then eyes look smaller than normal range of the size and sleepy. In case of medial epicanthoplasty surgery, it will be operated under local anesthesia. This procedure will take about an 30minutes. The suture thread will be around the inner corner of the eyes. And they can be removed 7 days later after the surgery.

Consequently, by going through medial epicanthoplasty surgery, it can create more vivid and distinctively beautiful eyes. Furthermore, it can be accompanied with double eyelid  surgery to maximize the surgery result according to expectation.

*The removal range can be determined by advices from ITEM surgeon for an accurate diagnosis.

From thie below, I attached several pieces of pictures to make you understand easy.

BEFORE AND AFTER(1) - Medial Epicanthoplasty

BEFORE AND AFTER(2) - Medial Epicanthoplasty

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