22 7월, 2015

[Facial Contouring Surgery] Forehead Augmentation Surgery

[Facial Contouring Surgery]

All about forehead augmentation!
-Various types of surgery methods-

There are a lot of people who have concerns flat and depressed forehead shape. These concerns can be improved by operating augmentation surgery. A flat and depressed forehead can be
volumized through inserting implat or fat tranplantation. There are various type of forehead augmentation surgeries that ITEM Clinic recommends. The patients can choose the surgery procedure and method according to their exact diagnosis.

*Forehead Augmentation Surgery*
1) Fat Grafting
2) Inserting silicone implant
3) Inserting osteobond


=>The example of fat grafting surgery for forehead augmentation

The most effective advantage of fat grafting surgery is in spite of remarkable result there would be little side effect after the surgery. Fat grafting, also called fat transfer, plumps up facial or body features with a patient's own fat. Fat transfer is designed to minimize wrinkles and fill in parts of the face or body with a "sunken" appearance. It can also reduce scarring and correct deformities. Since fat transfer uses your own fat cells, there is no risk of the body rejecting the tissue. For the record, this procedure includes second retouch-up. If the patients will be in need of second retouch-up refill the fat around surgical site, we highly recommend patients refill the fat in three months due to fat condition. After the surgery, patients can see a remarkable result immediately.

=>The example of inserting silicone implant for forehead augmentation

The size and shape of silicone implant can be designed according to patient's preferecne and exact diagnosis. It means that the size of shape can individually different case by case. If the patients want to fix and make their surgical site permenantly, then inserting silicone implant surgery would be recommendable. For the record, after the surgery, patients have to manage surgical site very well protect from being infected and inflammated. The most effective advatage of inserting silicone implant is that it can be lasted permanently.

=>The example of using osteobond for forehead augmentation

To make forehead shape more favorable, it can be augmented by using osteobond. This material is quite inert, neither chemically modified nor dissolved. Also, it is rigid enough to maintain its contour and it can be removed very easily when developing complication. It has a lot of advantages considering based on clinical date. The surgery will be operated under local anesthesia with sedation. Hair removing and shaving will not be needed.

These are the detailed explanation regarding forehead augmentation surgery. You can choose the surgery procedure according to your preference or an exact diagnosis. If you want to make your forehead more favorable, then do not hesitate to contact us. We are willing to help you out.
Or you can leave comments regarding surgery procedure, we will reply back! :)

Thank you for reading today's post.


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