27 7월, 2015

[Eyes Surgery]Blepharoplasty Surgery

[Eye Surgery]
Blepharoplasty Surgery
-Upper blepharoplasty and Lower blepharoplasty-

By going through blepharoplasty surgery, this surgery procedure can improve not only the appearance of the eyelid but also loose or saggy skin. Surgery can be performed on either the upper and lower lids or both.

<The example image of upper blepharoplasty>
With aging problem, patients who are 40s-60s experience severe sterss due to unfavorable and invisble double eyelid fold. Loose or saggy skin that can creates  folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision. Patients who have excess fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids they can correct this whole problems with this upper eyelid surgery. Also, double eyelid fold can be improved with more defined and sophisticated fold. Patients can choose the double eyelid fold which they have been wanted according to their preference after having a consultation with surgeon.

<The example image of lower blepharoplasty>
Relatively younger patients experience substantial stress due to bulging and blacken areas around lower eyelid as though the person has dark circle even though the skin resilience is still good. For such patients, bulging fat and excessive droopy skin can be removed through conjuctiva side of the lower eyelid. As surgery procedure is totally different from old-fashioned surgery method, patients can expect more safer and clear final result after the surgery.

Click these links and check remarkable before and surgery photos!


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