[All About Plastic Surgery]
Types of Anesthesia
- In case of general anesthesia, patients will be under unconscious condition during operation. During operation, patients cannot react and detect external stimulus. General anesthesia can be operated by airway intubation. Airway intubation has to be done by general anesthesia doctor and this procedure is the most important issue regarding general anesthesia. Through airway intubation, patients can be provided oxygen and after the procedure carbon dioxide emission can be accordingly achieved.
- Sleeping anesthesia, it is also known as "intravenous anesthesia". In contrast to general anesthesia, after the surgery is finished, patients can wake up right away once stop injecting intravenous anesthesia. Sometimes, patients are confused with sleeping anesthesia and painless anesthesia. But painless anesthesia is simple anesthesia type which belongs to local anesthesia type.
- Painless anesthesia is a temporary measure to operate local anesthesia. It means that this one is kind of supplements. This type of anesthesia is totally different from operating sleeping anesthesia. It can be applied for infant among 5-6 years old kids. Duration is way to short(3-5minutes) and safe.
- In case of local anesthesia, it can be applied for surgical site that wish to have by using thinnest needle. The only surgical site will be numbed temporarily for operation.
The types of anesthesia should be accordingly approached for patients safety according to surgery procedure. Let's move on to the next page to take a note for consultation tips before surgery.
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