09 11월, 2015

[Eye Surgery] Self-Diagnosis for Ptosis Problem

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[Eye Surgery]
Self-Diagnosis for Ptosis Problem

Hello, Readers! Thank you for reading article! Today, I want to explain about ptosis problem. Even though I already explained regarding ptosis correction surgery procedure several times, some of patients are still having a difficulty distinguishing ptosis problem. Today, I will clearly explain about this procedure! :)

Firstly, please refer to this example from this below that I attached.

(1) If your pupils are covered with upper eyelids and they are not exposed fully(less than 80%), than you would be a good candidate for ptosis correction surgery.
(But, if your eye-opening function works very well, then this problem can be improved by operating only double eyelid surgery with full-incision method through removing the excessive skin tissue around your upper eyelids.)

(2) If you feel sensation of heavy around your upper eyelids, then muscle correction procedure should be operated to correct your eye-opening function by adjusting muscle tension.

(3) If your symmetrical symptom is visible, then it can affect on the position of eyebrows. This symptom can be dissolved by ptosis correction procedure.

And let's move on to the next page to examine surgery procedures.
 -Firstly, the surgeon will create incision line to remove the excessive skin and fat tissue around your upper eyelids to make your eyes more vivid. And then, through the incision line, a muscle tension can be accordingly adjusted according to your diagnosis.

Through this article, I wish you understood thoroughly regarding this procedure!

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