23 11월, 2015

[Comprehension For Rhinoplasty Surgery(1)] Incision Method - Open Method/Closed Method

Korean Plastic Surgery/Korean Cosmetic Surgery/Plastic Surgery in Korea/Cosmetic Surgery in Korea/Double Eyelids Surgery in Korea/Nose Surgery in Korea/Rhinoplasty Surgery in Korea/ITEM Plastic Surgery

[Comprehension For Rhinoplasty Surgery(1)]


Prior to planning rhinoplasty surgery, you will be in need of general understanding for whole surgery procedure and comprehension regarding rhinoplasty surgery procedure.

According to the surgical plan, if the surgery procedure will be in need of adjusting the length of nose bridge and rebuilding inner structure, then open-method should be accompanied for accurate diagnosis. Especially, kind of delicate procedures such as deviated correction, revision case and rebuilding inner structure etc. It means that these cases should be operated by open method to accomplish ultimate surgical goal that patients wish to have. Incision site will be created from both sides alar base to columella area. And remained scar is not severe than expected so it will be gradually healed as times goes by. 

In case of the closed method, incision site will be created at around inner side of nostrils. The surgery procedure can be operated through that incision site. And this method is normally operated for simple procedure such as for raise the height of bridge and tip. The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to approach other delicate procedures such as rebuilding inner structure, revision case and deviated correction etc.

When you are planning to rhinoplasty surgery for your nose, you have to approach more carefully for your accurate diagnosis and you have to take a note exactly for what types of surgery procedure will be needed. 

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