05 8월, 2015

[HOT ITEM] Fat Grafting Surgery

Anti-Aging - Fat Grafting Surgery

Fat Grafting Surgery

 Recently, the number of people who is interested in fat grafting surgery has significantly increased. In case of fat grafting surgery, in spite of remarkable effect, there is no or litte side effect such as infection, inflammation. Some of patients have concerns with depressed, sunken facial areas. And fat grafting surgery woulbe a solution for them.

Surgery procedure
  • Harvest fat from back of the thigh or tummy.
  • Extract own fat cell by using medical specialized machine which is called Centrifuge.
  • Inject patients own fat around surgical sites.(forhead,temple,cheek,laughing line,chin,etc.)
  • Remanined fat will be stored for 2'nd retouch-up.
(*To raise the survival rate of fat, 2'nd retouch-up will be needed according to patient's diagnosis)

#3days later from the surgery : Sterilizing surgical site and change the bandage with water-proof one.
#7days later from the surgery : Removing stitches around back of thighs or tummy.

  • Avoid wearing glasses and hat for about a month.
  • Please do not do kind of heavy exercise.
  • Do not press around facial area for a while to raise the survival of fat.
  • Do not drinking alcohol and smoking for about a month to prevent from being infected.
*Even if the surgery procedure is carried out by delicate handling, there would be needed additional fat grafting surgery.

* NEED HELP & Quoted Price?                               

Mobile No. : +82-010-8901-9656

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