18 8월, 2015

[EYE SURGERY] Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty(Eyebag Surgery)


Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
(Eyebag Surgery)

<The example image of tranconjuctival blepharoplasty surgery>

There are some people who are agonized over depressed, sunken lower eyelid are with darkening areas below eyes and apperance of being tired. This symptoms explained by arising largely from 3 causes. The first is the pigmentation of skin below the eyes. The second is darkened appearance under the eyes due to distention of blood vessels below the eyes. The second is darkened appearance under the eyes due to distention of blood vessels below the eyes. The third is the problem generated by formation of shadows under the orbital fat under the eyes that protrudes out of the skin, which began to lose its resilience, and has close relationship with the hormonal cycle of women and appears to be severer when one is fatigued or tired. The third is the problem which is generated by formation of shadows under the orbital fat under the eyes that protrudes out of the skin, which begans to lose its resilience, and has close relationship with the hormonal cycle of women and is seemed to be getting serious when one is fatigued or tired.

Surgery Procedure
In general, either cosmetic surgery for the lower eyelid is carried out or the fat pocket which is containing fat pouch is protruding internally is can be removed and relocated  through the conjunctiva without remained scar in the case of young patients. Patients cannot experience any pain during the surgery due to local anesthesia with sedation. This procedure takes about 30-40minutes to operate it.

In contrast to other types of eye surgery such as double eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty and later canthoplasty surgery, patients will not be in need of removal stitches around the surgical site.

Before and After

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