13 8월, 2015


Love Band Formation

<The image of love band formation surgery>

Love band surgery is suitable and can be operated for those who wishe to have younger looking, attractive and somewhat adorable impression and in case of this surgery procedure can be divided into the method of fat transplant, usage of allogeneous dermis and filler injection.

METHOD 1) Fat transplant
Fat transplant is a method of transplanting fat extracted from donor site(tummy area or back of the thighs area) and purified through centrifugation to the location of charming wrinkles under the eyes, and is characterized by its relative simplicity and natural appearance that is created.  

-The case of fat transplant

METHOD 2) Usage of allogeneous
Surgical method using artificial dermis inserts artificial dermis into the space secured by making small incision of 2~3mm in the area below the eyes where the eyelash is.
This surgery procedure takes approximately 20~30 minutes for the operation and patients will have charming wrinkle below the eyes that is permanently maintained.
It can be operated according to the situation, it can be carried out concurrently with incision below eyes as in the case of cosmetic surgery of the lower eyelid, and patients can be leaded and perform normal daily life 3~4 days after the surgery.
-The case of usage allogeneous

METHOD 3) Filler Injection
In case of filler injection, it is not in need of anesthesia. The advantage of this procedure is short-period procedure and recovery time so patients can go back to normal life just after the procedure is done and perform daily life very easily. It takes about 10minutes to operate it. During injection procedure, surgeon will apply numbing cream around the surgical site to make it be numbed. In contrast to injection for other areas, it lasts almost permanent. However, some of patients will be in need of second retouch up to extand duration.
-The case of filler injection

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