20 8월, 2015

[Nose Surgery] Concept of Rhinoplasty 4 ( Autologous tissues and special tissues )

Hi guys,

Yesterday, I introduced what rhinoplasty is and materials for rhinoplasty (especially to augment bridge of the nose).

However it's not all :-)
There are more materials for augment tip of the nose.
It could be largely divided into 2 types as autologous tissues and special tissues.

Autologous tissues that can be used for nasal cosmetic surgery include nasal septum cartilage, ear cartilage, coastal cartilage, temporal fascia (scalp fascia), and dermofat of buttock, etc.
In addition, nasal cosmetic surgery using autologous tissue is recommended in order to reduce inflammatory reaction if the status of the inner aspect of nose is poor due to repeated re-surgery several times.

Nasal septum and ear cartilage are most commonly used for rhinoplasty among autulogous tissues.

* Nasal septum *

Nasal septum cartilage forms the frontal portion of the barrier that divides the nostril into the left and right, and has rigid and flat panel with thickness of 1~2mm. Since the nasal septum cartilage is collected from inner part of the nose, there is no need to make seperate incision line, and is the most efficient autulogous material for sharpening the nasal column or elongating the nose.
This material has the advantage of enabling more effective performance of surgeries for which correction is difficult including upturned nose, short nose and sagging tip of the nose, as well as preventing the lowering of the tip of the nose.

* Ear cartilage *

Ear cartilage has greater elasticity and is relatively soft cargilage compared to the nasal septum cargilage, and is collected fromthe bottom of the auricle. It is ans outstanding material to make the shape of tip of the nose naturally. It is also used in supplementation of nasal ala if nostril is excessively visible and when there is insufficient nasal septum cartilage.
Although it has the advantage of being soft and ease of manipulation, there are cases in which formation of sturdy tip of the nose is not possible since nasal column cannot be erected at the columella and there may be limitations on the changes in the shape in the case of short nose.

These aututogous tissues are safest materials for rhinoplasty.
However there are many patients who still scared to undergo the surgery.
For those, specail tissue (Filler) could be another way to change their nose.

* Filler (petite nasal cosmetic surgery) *

Main advantages of filler, which is frequently referred to as the petite nasal cosmetic surgery, include quickness of the procedure and absence of interruption in daily life.
It is recommendable if the patient is reluctant about insertion of implant or for the purpose of anticipating in advance the changed image of the nose following surgery.
However, is has limitations in substantially elevating the tip of the nose and has the disadvantage that the procedure is not permanent.

Do you fully understand which materials are used for rhinoplasty ?
Which one do you prefer ??

Now, you know many kinds of materials for rhinoplasty.
Then, what do you think the next step to know nose surgery ?

 E-mail) itemps@itemclinic.com
 Web Page) http://www.itemcliniceng.com

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