03 8월, 2015

[NOSE SURGERY] Alar Reduction

[Rhinoplasty Surgery]
Alar Reduction

Alar Reduction
<The example image of alar reduction surgery>

 If the patients have concerns with wide alar bases, then alar reduction procedure should be operated. Reduction surgery for nasal ala or nose lobe naturally reduces the width of the nasal ala by reducing the skin and the subcutaneous tissues together at the nasal ala and fundus by altering the excision design in accordance with the thickness of the nasal ala and extent of lateral spread.

If the patient wants to have only alar reduction surgery, then it can be done without other types of rhinoplasty surgery such as the insertion of silicone implant and tip surgery. In order to produce a ideal shape of the nose tip, all of surgeons from ITEM will take a deep consideration for suitable surgery procedure in accordance with the anatomical causes.

  • The stitches around the surgical site can be removed 7days later from the surgery date
  • The final result can be individually different according to patients own skin type and bone structure.
If you need further information or quote the surgery price, do not hesitate to contact with ITEM!
English consultants are always available for patients.

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